Smart Social Report

Smart Social Report

Published by: Research Desk Released: Feb 09, 2021

Last year, we brought back the Smart Social Series to discover how events like COVID-19, #BlackLivesMatter protests, and a global recession impacted the social media landscape. Now, we’re back with an update about how trends have shifted in 2021.

As we now enter 2021, new trends are emerging, and if you don’t follow along closely, you may risk your brand being canceled. New tech means there are new avenues to reach consumers and tell brand stories. Traditional brand social media guidelines are evolving, with personified, meme-ified brands landing on top. This smart social report includes important insights gathered using Khoros Intelligence, our industry-leading social listening solution. Download the report to understand the key trends affecting consumer mindset, customer behavior, and brand responses in the social media world right now.

Download the report to understand the key trends affecting consumer mindset, customer behavior, and brand responses in the social media world right now.