CX Trends & Technology Guide: Restaurant Industry Edition

CX Trends & Technology Guide: Restaurant Industry Edition

Astute Solutions
Published by: Research Desk Released: Feb 14, 2019

3 Key Customer Experience Trends

The restaurant and hospitality industries have always focused on delivering the absolute best experiences that will keep guests coming back again and again, as well as recommending your business to friends. However, with today’s growing emphasis on digital business transformation, that effort is no longer confined to the four walls of your establishments.

As the economy and consumer preference continues to drive towards digital, there are new issues to address in making sure your guests’ experience is exceptional no matter where they interact with your brand. For example, mobile apps and online ordering have disrupted traditional business models, guests now expect 24/7 help and support regardless of operating hours, and corporate silos have made it increasingly difficult to create a universal, consistent brand experience.

Let’s take a closer look at these trends and how they’re affecting restaurant brands like yours.