Connected Worker: Connecting People and Systems to Transform Frontline Operations

Connected Worker: Connecting People and Systems to Transform Frontline Operations

Published by: Research Desk Released: Mar 16, 2021

In a global business environment characterized by disruption, change, and volatility, the digital transformation of industrial operations is much more than a well-established trend.  Industrial Transformation (IX) is the strategic approach manufacturers and other industrial organizations increasingly rely on for competitive differentiation and ultimately sustainable, profitable growth.

The digital technologies of IX have opened a new frontier: the digitally Connected Worker.  Use cases in the initial wave of IX investment focused on using asset-related data and advanced analytics to drive improvement in areas such as asset reliability, energy management, and product quality.  Now, there is a strong trend towards an integrated approach that incorporates workforce considerations into IX initiatives and using people-related data to drive improvement in the overall operational management system . The rise of the digitally Connected Worker reflects the conventional wisdom that improvement, whether incremental or step-change, calls for holistic alignment of the right people, process, and technology capabilities.