Dell EMC Powerstore For Epic in Healthcare: Advance patient care with scalable all-flash data storage for your Epic EHR environment

Dell EMC Powerstore For Epic in Healthcare: Advance patient care with scalable all-flash data storage for your Epic EHR environment

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jul 28, 2022

Digital transformation continues to accelerate across all industries as organizations seek to increase efficiencies while responding to rapidly evolving trends and end user demands. Healthcare in particular is undergoing dramatic transformations in just about every area of care delivery due to the exponential growth in the amount of data, the general trend of digital adoption, and the increased use of data analytics. In just the last couple of years alone we have seen a much greater reliance on digital health services and data-driven outcomes, particularly in the areas of telehealth, medical imaging, and remote monitoring.

To improve patient outcomes and reduce costs, healthcare IT must deliver the following six core data storage capabilities without tradeoffs:

1. Excellent performance for real-time access to patient data
2. Robust reliability and availability without disrupting clinical workflows
3. Increased efficiency in order to consolidate the complex repositories of clinical and administrative data and to provide anywhere, anytime access to critical patient information
4. Sufficient scalability to manage any influx of new data and devices as they are developed
5. Resilient security to protect patient data despite being prime targets for cyberattacks
6. Easy-to-use manageability for complex healthcare ecosystems composed of end-user technologies, applications, and infrastructure
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