Smarter Greener More Secure Transformation Through Digital Transformation White Paper

Smarter Greener More Secure Transformation Through Digital Transformation White Paper

Published by: Research Desk Released: Mar 25, 2022

The transportation industry is extremely diverse. Some organisations are focused on moving people and goods by rail or road, while others are focused on air transport or the complex logistics of seaport operations. Each organisation has unique challenges and requirements and is at a different stage in its digital transformation. However, despite their many differences, all organisations working in the transportation industry now face a set of common challenges that have led to a collective need: All organisations must accelerate their digital transformation. Today, transportation operators across domains are challenged to move more people and goods faster, at lower cost, and with fewer risks. Prior to the pandemic people were travelling more, for business and for pleasure. And international commerce and trade  had risen considerably, putting a huge strain on those who move goods.